Kayıt ve Açılış
08:00 - 08:30
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi Sempozyumu
Moderator(s): Esin Koç, Hüseyin İlhan
Prenatal Dönemden Perinatal Hayata Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Risk Değerlendirme - Merih Çetinkaya
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Solunum Desteği ve ECMO: Kime? Nasıl? Ne zaman? - Ömer Erdeve
08:30 - 09:30
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi Sempozyumu
Moderator(s): Şule Yiğit, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa
Pulmoner Hipertansiyon Tedavisinde Ne Değişti? - Fuat Emre Canpolat
Cerrahi Zamanlama - Gülnur Göllü Bahadır
09:30 - 10:30
Kahve Arası
10:30 - 11:00
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi Sempozyumu
Moderator(s): Tutku Soyer, Ömer Erdeve
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Cerrahi Onarım: Açık mı? Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi mi? - Gürsu Kıyan
Doğumsal Diyafram Hernisi’nde Uzun Dönem Sonuçlar - Ebru Yalçın
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia as a Rare Disease and Patient Registries - Reine Wijnen
11:30 - 13:30
Açılış ve Tarihçe Oturumu
Moderator(s): Hüseyin İlhan, Bahar Çakırhan
Speaker(s): Cenk Büyükünal
Bizler O’nu ve Cumhuriyet’imizi Çok Sevmiştik
16:00 - 18:00
Bizler O’nu ve Cumhuriyet’imizi Çok Sevmiştik SunumuVideo Oturumu (1)
Moderator(s): Gülce Hakgüder, Özkan Gezer, Kutay Bahadır
Salon A | 08:00 - 09:00
A New Era in Pediatric Esophageal Replacement: Robotic Gastric Pull-up
Z Dökümcü, S Hasan, Ü Çeltik, C Özcan
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
Laparoscopic management of Choledocholithiasis complicated with cholangitis in a six month old premature infant
D İnal*, A Mammadli*, K Bahadır**, E Ekiyor*, E Ergün*, M Bingöl Koloğlu*
*Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya
Technical details of Kasai portoenterostomy and extrahepatic biliary cyst excision in an infant with cystic biliary atresia: Video presentation
E Evin, B Hasarma, E Ergün, M Bingöl-Koloğlu
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Laparoscopic Rectopexy for Pediatric Chronic Rectal Prolapse
H Ulman, AE Boztaş Demir, G Özyüksel, C Bilir
Bakırcay University Çiğli Training and Education Hospital, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
Ö Ekici*, İ Yıldırım*, G Korkmaz*, OM Çevik*, E Erten**, HE Atasever*, SE Ünlü Ballı*, E Mambet*, GB Bahadır*, MB Çalışkan*, İ Sürer*, S Demirbağ*
*Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
Treatment of type 4a choledochal cyst in children; laparoscopic hepaticojejunostomy
MN Gürel*, A Ertürk**, S Demir*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
Minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of biliary atresia
AG Kiriş Uzun*, A Ertürk**, Cİ Öztorun**, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, D Kısıklı*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
Perineal Approach in Correction of Female Epispadias and Providing Continence
C Erdener Çeliktürk*, İ İnanç*, D Avlan**
*Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
Safe application of PIRS technique with filling cannula needle in male inguinal hernia repair
A Kandırıcı, Aİ Dokucu
Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology, İstanbul
Use of PIRS with thoracoscopic intracorporeal suturing in congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair
İ Akbaş*, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, Ş Demirkaya*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
Panel (1)
Moderator(s): Muhammed Abdel Aziz, Şenol Emre, Özlem Boybeyi
Speaker(s): Paolo de Coppi, Hüseyin Demirbilek, Murat Tuncel
New Insights in the Management of Congenital Hyperinsulinism
Salon A | 09:00 - 10:00
Kahve Arası
10:00 - 10:30
Konferans (1)
Moderator(s): Kaan Sönmez
Speaker(s): Mete Kaya
Testis Kitlelerine Yaklaşım
Salon A | 10:30 - 11:00
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -1
Moderator(s): İlhan Çiftçi, Hatice Sonay Yalçın Cömert, Ahmet Atıcı
Salon A | 11:00 - 12:00
Neurodevelopmental outcomes of neonates with surgically treated necrotizing enterocolitis
KK Cerit*, İB Aksu*, N Tursun**, DM Albayrak***, ABE Yıldırım***, H Özdemir****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**University of Florida Collage of Medicine, Department of General Surgery
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
****Marmara University School Of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology
(4+2 dk) OP-1
The Prognostic Impact of Defect Size Based on Body Surface Area in Omphaloceles
D Sevinç, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-2
MB Tepe, B Erginel, HH Tanrıöver, OH Kocaman, E Keskin, F Gün Soysal
Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-3
OD Ayvaz*, S Cansaran*, A Celayir*, ZE Erol**
*University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
**Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine
(4+2 dk) OP-4
Neonatal Intestinal Perforations: Which Patient Should We Perform a Rectal Biopsy on?
Ö Balcı, A Karaman, AN Abay, İ Karaman
University of Health Sciences Turkey, Ankara Dr. Sami Ulus Children's Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital
(4+2 dk) OP-5
NEC or Hirschsprung?
S Görmüş, G Şalcı, HS Yalçın Cömert, M İmamoğlu, H Sarıhan
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Trabzon
(4+2 dk) OP-6
Surgical Outcomes of Intestinal Atresia: A Single-Center Experience
S Müftüoğulları*, Cİ Öztorun**, EE Erten*, SA Bostancı*, A Ertürk**, Y Yılmaz*, S Demir*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-7
Retrospective analysis of secondary surgical requirement in jejunoileal atresia surgical treatment
D Avcı, M Cevhertaş, Ü Çeltik, A Çelik, MO Ergün
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
(4+2 dk) OP-8
Management of Pygopagus Twins
B Tander*, B Erginel**, S Ustalar***, H Ağır****, M Özek*****, A Çıtak******, M Çevik*, S Aksöyek**
*Acibadem University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Unit
***Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology
****Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Department of Plastic Surgery
*****Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery
******Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
(4+2 dk) OP-9
The outcomes of laparoscopic gastrostomy and fundoplication in neonates and young infants: Pitfalls and pearls
M Rüzgar, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-10
Yeterlik Sınavı
Salon B | 10:30 - 12:00
Moderator(s): Gürsu Kıyan
Speaker(s): Mustafa Yüksel
Göğüs Kafesi Deformitelerinde Cerrahi Dışı Yöntemler
Salon A | 12:00 - 12:30
Öğle Arası
12:30 - 13:30
Poster Yürüyüşü-1
Moderator(s): Levent Duman, Tamer Sekmenli, Hakan Güney
12:30 - 13:30
Staged Thoracoscopic Internal Traction In Long Gap Isolated Esophageal Atresia: Our First Experience
P Khalilova, E Ergün, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Does esophageal atresia make the recovery from scoliosis surgery more difficult during physical therapy?
D Bayraktar
Department of Ortopaedic Surgery Faculty of Medicine, Ege University
The usage of esophageal silicone stent in the treatment of esophagoplevral fistula in a child with an operated esophageal atresia with advanced esophagus stricture
G Kadakal Köken, A Celayir, S Cansaran
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
A Rare Case of Bartholin's Cyst Abscess in a 27-day-old Newborn
A Kalyoncu Ayçenk
Ordu University Research and Training Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department
Thoracoscopic TEF/EA Repair In A Very Low Birth Weighted Baby
P Khalilova, E Ergün, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Proper use of silver nitrate in neonatal umbilical granuloma
MA Narsat
Kastamonu University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
Importance of Pediatric Surgeons in Antenatally Councils
A Alptekin
Istanbul Aydın University, Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
Vacuum-assisted closure in a complicated abdominal wound after necrotizing enterocolitis in a premature newborn, review of the literature
S Dayı, M Anayurt, F Çınar, S Sancar
Bursa City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
Approach To Babies With Necrotizing Enterocolitis With Body Weight of 1000 g And Less: 8 Years' Experience
P Khalilova, B Hasarma, D İnal, E Ergün
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Late Diagnosed Esophageal Atresia Despite Polyhydramnios and a Sibling with Esophageal Atresia
S Cansaran, Gİ Sarar, A Celayir, OD Ayvaz
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children's Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
Acute Necrotizan Appendicisitis In Low Birth-Weight Preterm Neonate: A Case Report
YE Köstekçi*, B Önen Ocak**, E Ekiyor***, K Gücenmez***, F Demirtaş*, E Ergün***, A Mehdili**, G Göllü***, E Okulu*, Ö Erdeve*, S Arslan*, B Atasay*
*Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology
**Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
***Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Poster Yürüyüşü-1
Moderator(s): Tugay Tartar, Onursal Varlıklı, Özgür Çağlar
12:30 - 13:30
Case presentation of ectopic parathyroid adenoma
S Aydöner*, A Pirim*, Aİ Anadolulu*, A Önder**, B Baysal***, H Tözüm****, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa*
*Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
***Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
****Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Thoracic Surgery
The Great Danger in Late Presenting Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias; Acute Gastric Volvulus
G Biçer, B Arıkan Köse, Ö Çağlar, Ö Balcı
Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Our highly effective minimally invasive surgical outcomes for congenital lung malformations: Our Clinical Experience
İ Akbaş, SA Bostancı, EE Erten, B Başaran, H KESKİN FAKILI, VS Çayhan, AN Abay, Cİ Öztorun, A Ertürk, S Demir, MN Azılı, E Şenel
Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
Management of recurrent fistulas in patients with esophageal atresia
AE Hakalmaz*, B Karakurt*, A Kalyoncu Uçar**, P Kendigelen***, R Özcan*, G Topuzlu Tekant*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
***Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
Characteristics of additional problems in asthenic morphotype adolescent patients with chest wall and spine deformities
MÖ Kuzdan, F Saraç, ZT Akbaş
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
Non-invasive treatment option in the treatment of pectus excavatum and carinatum in children: Vacuum and orthoses method
M Anayurt, S Sancar, İ Güngör, S Dayı
Bursa City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Efficiency of Negative Pressure Continuous Aspiration System in the Presence of Refractory Pneumothorax, Pleural Effusion and Chylothorax in Children
F Çelik, A Özcan, A Parlak, AN Gürpınar
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Congenital malformations of the lung: Single centre 10-year experience
EB Özbulut, B Dağdemir Ezber, S Hancıoğlu, B Yağız, BD Demirel, E Arıtürk, F Bernay
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Samsun, Turkey
Pneumomediastinum in Children: Analysis of 26 Cases
E Yüksel Tatar, O Varlıklı, MA Akay
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department
Do clinical and radiology findings affect the decision of surgical treatment in children diagnosed with primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
Ş Demirci*, N Sever*, Ş Yeşilkaya*, B Erginel**, M Kaba*, M Demir*, C Hamzaoğlu*, ÇA Karadağ*
*University of Health Sciences,Hamidiye Etfal City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İstanbul
**Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
The effect of the duration of bronchoscopy on treatment results in infant and pediatric patients with foreign body aspiration
Ş Çolak, C İsbir, H Taşkınlar, A Naycı
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical School of Mersin University, Mersin
Poster Yürüyüşü-1
Moderator(s): Murat Mutuş, Hakan Kocaman, Allahverdi Musayev
Genel Konular
12:30 - 13:30
Valentino's Syndrome in Children; Myth or fact?
EB Özbulut*, B Dağdemir Ezber*, S Hancıoğlu*, BD Demirel*, CB Aker**, B Yağız*
*Ondokuz Mayıs University department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ondokuz Mayıs University Division Of Pediatric Gastroenterology
S Teğin*, E Basuguy**, TO Kamçı**, H Aydoğdu**, MH Okur**
*Şırnak State Hospital Pediatric Surgery Clinic
**Dicle University Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Section of Pediatric Urology, Diyarbakır
Treatment of exophthalmos in a patient with Graves’ disease: Orbital radiotherapy after total thyroidectomy
A Ergün*, Y Kart*, E Bilaloğlu*, EE Özkan**, L Duman*
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Süleyman Demirel University Medical School, Isparta, Turkey
**Süleyman Demirel University, Medicine of Faculty, Isparta
Laparoscopic Gonadectomy in Children with Disorders of Sex Development
B Erginel*, G Karlı*, N Mustafayeva*, Ş Poyrazoğlu**, E Keskin***, FG Soysal*
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism
***Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
Comparison of the efficacy of crystallized phenol and liquid phenol in the treatment of pilonidal sinus disease in children
G Korkmaz, GB Bahadır, SE Ünlü Ballı, HE Atasever, İ Yıldırım, Ö Ekici, OM Çevik, E Mambet, B Çalışkan, S Demirbağ, İ Sürer
Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Efficiency of laser ablation in the surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus
M Çakmak, A Baş, M Yazıcı, Mö kuzdan, F Saraç
Comparative analysis of laparoscopic and open surgical techniques for nonparasitic splenic cyst management in children: A proposed prediction index
B Karaaslan*, MÖ Kuzdan*, A Baş**, M Çakmak**, T Erdem Şit*, B Zeytinoğlu Kayrancıoğlu*
*Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
A new method in the treatment of childhood pilonidal sinus: Laser-assisted endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment
B Bal, S Türker Çolak, K Tutuş, ŞS Kılıç, Ö Özden, M Alkan, R Tuncer
Department of Pediatrc Surgery, Çukurova University Medical Faculty, Adana, Turkey
Anomalies of branchial cleft; retrospective analysis of 39 cases
M Sarıkaya*, F Özcan Sıkı*, M Gündüz*, T Sekmenli*, M atılgan**, İ Çiftçi*
*University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Laparoscopic peritone biopsy in the diagnosis of pediatric primary tuberculosis peritonitis
C İsbir*, E Yeşil**, H Taşkınlar*, A Naycı*
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical School of Mersin University, Mersin
**Mersin University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Mersin, Turkey
Imperforate hymen: Five different presentations
A Yucak Özdemir*, HA Akoğlu**, F Beşiroğlu Çetin***
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical Faculty, Giresun University
**Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty, Giresun University
***Giresun Obstetrics and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Giresun, Turkey.
Laparoscopic Pediatric Inguinal Hernia Repair with Percutaneous İnternal Ring Suturing with More Fine Needle and Suture; A 5-Year Experience of A Single Surgeon
A Kalyoncu Ayçenk
Ordu University Research and Training Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department
A Rare Condition: Coexistence of Amyand and Littre's Hernia
B Tagman, S Metin, MA Akay, O Varlıklı
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department
A strange foreign body in the peritoneal cavity of an infant: Broken injection needle
Ü Bakal, T Tartar, T Akkuş, A Tümer, YE Dumandağ, A Kazez
Firat University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Elazig, Turkey
Poster Yürüyüşü-1
Moderator(s): Fatih Çelik, Seyithan Özaydın , Özkan Cesur
Hepatobilier/Üst GİS
12:30 - 13:30
Isolated Cystic Duct cyst: A rare variant of Choledochal cyst
F Beci, İB Usta, H Çayırlı, Hİ Tanrıverdi, A Şencan, C Günşar
Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
Management of a spontaneously ruptured intraperitoneal hydatid cyst
SM Tilev, C Ceran Özcan
Kartal Dr. Lutfi Kirdar City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
The Effect of Somatostatin in an Infant with Choledochal Perforation
C Erdener Çeliktürk, S Yıldız, MS Köprülü, M İnan
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
Ectopic gallbladder mimicking hepatic cyst: Use of hepatocyte-spefic MRCP in the diagnosis
E Yüksel*, B Oğuz**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Department of Radiology
A Disease with Changing Etiology and Increasing Incidence in Childhood: Cholelithiasis
M Metin, N Sönmezer, H İpek, G Doğan, ÇE Afşarlar
Hitit University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery
Multidiciplinary Approach In Adolescents Morbid Obesity
E Ekiyor*, P Khalilova*, E Ergün*, Ö Selvi Can**, E Özsu***, Z Şıklar***, C Tuna Kırsaçlıoğlu****, N Çobanoğlu*****, T Uçar******, B Öncü*******, A Yağmurlu*, G Göllü*
*Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University School Of Medicine Department Of Anesthesiology And Reanimation
***Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
****Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology
*****Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Pulmonology
******Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology
*******Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Psychiatry
AE Boztaş Demir, M Hoşgör
University of Health Sciences Dr. Behcet Uz Child Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir,
Surgical management of gastric outlet obstruction other than hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
F Çelik, H Bilgi, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Comparison of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Surgical Gastrostomy in patients with gastrostomy catheter: A 10-year single center experience
M Sarıkaya, F Özcan Sıkı, T Sekmenli, M Gündüz, G Kaygısız Bayındır, İ Çiftçi
University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
K Öztürk Yüzdemir, T Soyer, Ö Boybeyi
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
Endoscopic Balloon Dilation of Esophageal Strictures in Children with Esophageal Atresia: 19 Years’ Experience
U Ateş, E Ergün, E Ekiyor, P Khalilova, M Bingöl-Koloğlu, A Yağmurlu, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
an effective treatment method for the management of complications of gastrostomy entrance site: bottle pacifier
N İsmayilzade, F Çelik, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
A case of annular pancreas presenting with gastric pneumatosis
İ İnanç, S Yıldız, M Keskin Çakıcı, ÜN Başaran
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
Bronkoskopi Kursu - Storz
Moderator(s): Hakan Taşkınlar, Halil İbrahim Tanrıverdi
Salon B | 12:30 - 13:30
Moderator(s): Tutku Soyer, Hatice Pars
Speaker(s): Orkan Ergün, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa
Çocuk Cerrahisinde Enteral ve Parenteral Beslenme: Güncel Yaklaşımlar
Salon A | 13:30 - 14:00
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -2
Moderator(s): Tolga Dağlı, Zafer Dökümcü, Esra Özçakır
Salon A | 14:00 - 15:00
Thoracoscopic approach to anomalous pulmonary arteries and abnormal pulmonary venous return in children
Ü Çeltik*, O Tuncer**, L Ertürk***, Z Dökümcü*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
***Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology
(4+2 dk) OP-11
AE Boztaş Demir, AD Payza, A Oral
University of Health Sciences Dr. Behcet Uz Child Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir,
(4+2 dk) OP-12
Long term outcomes of colonic interposition
O Uzaslan*, AE Hakalmaz*, S Kuruğoğlu**, AÇ Tütüncü***, R Özcan*, G Topuzlu Tekant*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
***Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
(4+2 dk) OP-13
G Şalcı, ÜT Öztürk, HS Yalçın Cömert, M İmamoğlu, H Sarıhan
Karadeniz Technical University Medical School Pediatric Surgery Department, Trabzon
(4+2 dk) OP-14
Lost in Lungs: Investigating Delayed Diagnosis in Foreign Body Aspiration
A Nallı, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
University Of Medical Sciences, Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-15
Reevaluating Pediatric Spontaneous Pneumothorax Management: Role of Bullae in Guiding Early VATS Intervention
Ö Erincin, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-16
When should surgical treatment be applied in patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
F Beceren, İB Usta, H Çayırlı, Ö Yılmaz, Hİ Tanrıverdi
Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
(4+2 dk) OP-17
Is pneumomediastinum in children a condition that requires intervention?
B Altundal, H Deliağa, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-18
Contribution of intrathoracic intercostal cryoanalgesia (IIC) used during minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE): Preliminary Results
M Cevhertaş*, H Donbaloğlu*, C Şahutoğlu**, Ü Çeltik*, C Özcan*, ÜZ Dökümcü*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department Of Anesthesiology, İzmir, TURKEY
(4+2 dk) OP-19
Minimally invasive surgery for congenital diaphragmatic hernias: safe for all types of hernia
H Özcan, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-20
Kahve Arası
15:00 - 15:30
Konferans (2)
Moderator(s): Mustafa İmamoğlu
Speaker(s): Aydın Şencan
Çocuk Cerrahisinde Florosan Görüntüleme
Salon A | 15:30 - 16:00
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -3
Moderator(s): Cüneyt Günşar, Sezen Özkısacık, Çağatay Evrim Afşarlar
Salon A | 16:00 - 17:00
HE Atasever, GB Bahadır, İ Sürer
Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-21
Comparison of the Results of JJ Stent and Ureterocutaneous Stent Applications in Cases with Ureteroneocystostomy
B Doğdu, Ö Okur, A Oral
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-22
The use of intraoperative microvascular doppler during subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in children reduces complications
C Kaya*, S Eryılmaz*, A Kapısız*, A Atan**, R Karabulut*, Z Türkyılmaz*, K Sönmez*
*Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Pediatric Surgery
**Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Urology
(4+2 dk) OP-23
Age-Related Complications in Primary Penile Hypospadias after Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty and Associated Malformations
B Sönmez, A Şencan
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-24
Upwards Massage with a Topical Corticosteroid to the Ventral Grafted Side of the Penis Between Stages of Bracka Hypospadias Repair May Reduce Recurrent Curvature
H Ulman*, S Tiryaki**, A Tekin**, İ Ulman**
*Bakırcay University Çiğli Training and Education Hospital, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
**Ege University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, İzmir, Turkey
(4+2 dk) OP-25
Proximal hypospadias management: 22 years of clinical experience in a single center
M Dede*, A Akbulut**, ME Balkan**, N Kılıç**
*Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
(4+2 dk) OP-26
Surgical approach to peeping testicle: What may be the first choice?
S Sancar, M Anayurt, S Dayı
Bursa City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-27
Clinical and urodynamics outcomes in pediatric primary bladder diverticula: A comparative study
B Karaaslan, MÖ Kuzdan, F Saraç, M Akalın, G Karakulak, N Akcan
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
(4+2 dk) OP-28
Comparison of the results of ECMB flap with limited urethral mobilization, TIP and MAGPI techniques in distal hypospadias repair: Single surgeon experience
S Kılıç
Gebze Yuzyil Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-29
The Relationship Between Postoperative Radiological Findings and Treatment Outcomes in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Palomo Varicocelectomy
Ö Okur, B Sönmez, M Can, H Evciler, A Oral
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-30
Moderator(s): Gonca Gerçel, Aybegüm Kalyoncu, Hilmican Ulman
Genç Çocuk Cerrahları Oturumu
Salon B | 16:30 - 17:30
Panel (2)
Moderator(s): Ünal Zorludemir, Arzu Şencan
Speaker(s): Haluk Emir, Tuğrul Tiryaki
Karşıt Görüş: Yenidoğanda UP Darlıkta Drenaj mı? Erken Pyeloplasti mi?
Salon A | 17:00 - 18:00
20:00 - 23:00
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu -4
Moderator(s): Mustafa İnan, Başak Erginel, Alev Süzen
Genel Konular
Salon A | 08:00 - 09:00
Does aromatase enzyme gene variant have a role in the etiology of cryptorchidism?
T Kaya Kurt*, A Süzen**, Ç Özdemir***, T Edgünlü***, M Kurt**, R Güngörmüş**
*Mugla Mentese Government Hospital
**Mugla Sitki Kocman University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Mugla Sitki Kocman University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biology and Genetics
(4+2 dk) OP-31
M Kutlu, A Oral, M Can, M Coşkun, A Hüvez, S Yıldırım
İzmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-32
Analysis Of The Effects Of Exosomes Derived From Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells On Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Of The Testes Through Cell Death Pathways In Experimental Testicular Torsion Model
A Şencan*, H Kabadayı Ensarioğlu**, FB Şimşek*, H Çayırlı*, HS Vatansever**
*Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Manisa Celal Bayar University, Medical School, Department of Histology-Embryology, Manisa
(4+2 dk) OP-33
Evaluation of non-technical skills of pediatric surgery and urology teams in the operating room
N Çelik*, Ş Sarmasoğlu Kılıkçıer**, M Elçin***, G Keskin****, M Akın*****, S Özmert*****, E Şenel******
*Ankara City Hospital, Children's Hospital; Pediatric Surgery ICU
**Hacettepe University, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing
***Hacettepe University Medical School Department of Medical Education and İnformatics
****Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation
*****Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Ankara
******Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-34
The Use of Nerve Monitoring in Thyroid Surgery Which in a Rare Surgery GroupMay Reduce Complication Rate
C Erdener Çeliktürk*, F Özgüç Çömlek**, YA Sezer***, F Tütüncüler Kökenli****, M İnan*
*Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Selçuk University, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
***Trakya University Department of General Surgery
****Trakya University Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
(4+2 dk) OP-35
Evaluation of Hypertrophic Scars after Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
SE Ünlü Ballı*, HE Atasever**, GB Bahadır**, G Korkmaz**, İ Yıldırım**, Ö Ekici**, OM Çevik**, E Mambet**, MB Çalışkan**, İ Sürer**, S Demirbağ**
*Gaziantep Sehitkamil State Hospital
**Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-36
AD Payza, AE Boztaş Demir, A Oral
University of Health Sciences Dr. Behcet Uz Child Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir,
(4+2 dk) OP-37
Laparoscopic-assisted surgery: could it be better than laparoscopy?
EB Özbulut, B Dağdemir Ezber, M Çelenk, S Hancıoğlu, B Yağız, BD Demirel
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Samsun, Turkey
(4+2 dk) OP-38
Pediatric Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (PEPSIT) versus Limberg Flap for the Surgical Treatment of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus in Pediatric Patients
B Erginel*, M Çevik**, E Doğan***, B Togay***, B Tander****
*Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Altunizade Acibadem Hospital
**Acibadem University Atakent Hospital
***Acibadem University. Faculty of Medicine
****Acibadem Hospitals, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-39
Analysis of One-Year Surgical Cases and Their Characteristics in a University Hospital Pediatric Surgery Clinic: A Residency Training Perspective
G Arkan, FN Aracıer Uçaner, LN Türker, C Kaya, S Eryılmaz, A Kapısız, R Karabulut
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-40
Moderator(s): Recep Tuncer, Müjdem Nur Azılı
Speaker(s): İrfan Kırıştıoğlu, Abdülkerim Temiz, Berat Dilek Demirel
Hirschsprung Hastalığında Olgularla Tanı ve Tedavide Güçlükler
Salon A | 09:00 - 10:00
Kahve Arası
10:00 - 10:30
Panel (4)
Moderator(s): Mustafa Melikoğlu, Suzi Demirbağ, Aydın Yağmurlu
Speaker(s): Mohammed Abdel Aziz, Adham Elsaid, Berktuğ Bahadır
Sister Society Meeting: EPSA & TAPS
Salon A | 10:30 - 12:00
Moderator(s): Murat Çakmak
Speaker(s): İbrahim Ulman
Çocuklarda Aşırı Aktif Mesane Tanısı ve Propiverin Tedavisi
Salon A | 12:00 - 12:30
Öğle Arası
12:30 - 13:30
Poster Yürüyüşü-2
Moderator(s): Tuğba Acer Demir, Meltem Çağlar, Önder Özden
12:30 - 13:30
A different approach in cervicothoracal neuroblastoma: Trapdoor incision
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, N Eker**, E Demirbaş***, A Dağçınar****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
****Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery
Metastatic Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma: Case Report
M Çağlar*, F Ersoy**, İA Özemir***, MN Hepokur****, SG Bozbeyoğlu*****, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa*
*Istanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcin Sehir Hastanesi, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Department of Pediatric Surgery Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Goztepe Prof Dr Suleyman Yalcin Sehir Hastanesi, Istanbul
***Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın City Hospital, General Surgery Clinic
****Istanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcin Sehir Hastanesi, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
*****Istanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe, Prof. Dr. Suleyman Yalcın City Hospital, Department of Radiology
A Rare Case with Prepubertal Gynecomastia: Large Cell Calcified Sertoli Cell Testicular Tumor
İB Usta*, F Beci*, H Çayırlı*, Hİ Tanrıverdi*, S Kılıç**, B Ersoy**, C Günşar*
*Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Diviion of Pediatric Endocrinology, Manisa, Turkey
Metastatic osteosarcoma: Rare cause of an adrenal mass
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, M Jafarov*, N Eker**, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
A different approach to pancreatic neck mass: Central pancreatectomy
A Temiz, HÖ Gezer, G Bairamovi, C Erdoğan
Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
Giant parathyroid adenoma diagnosed late as a rare cause of skeletal disorders and bone fractures
Ö Cesur*, D Çalışkan*, SA Uçaktürk**
*Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
**Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey
Is fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) a reliable method for identifying cancer in children with thyroid pathology?
MN Azılı*, C Azılı**, SA Bostancı***, EE Erten***, VS Çayhan***, R Kar****, AU Uzun***, S Müftüoğulları***, Cİ Öztorun*, A Ertürk*, S Demir*****, N Sarı******, M Boyraz*******, E Şenel*
*Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University, Department of Surgical Oncology
***Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
****Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
*****University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
******Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Oncology
*******Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
Determination Of Reliable Markers Predicting Malignancy in Pediatric Thyroid Nodules
MN Azılı*, C Azılı**, SA Bostancı***, EE Erten***, VS Çayhan***, Cİ Öztorun*, S Demir****, A Ertürk*, İ Akbaş***, T Jumazade***, F Gürbüz*****, D Özyörük******, E Şenel*
*Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University, Department of Surgical Oncology
***Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
****University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
*****Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Deparment of Pediatric Endocrinology
******Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Oncology
D Sevinç, B Toker Kurtmen, EB Çığşar Kuzu
SBU, İzmir Tepecik Training Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
Our Approach to Breast Mass in the Adolescent Age Group
F Özcan Sıkı*, M Sarıkaya**, T Sekmenli**, M Gündüz**, İ Yağmurlu**, İ Çiftçi**
*Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
Trichoblastoma in a Newborn
MS Köprülü, C Erdener Çeliktürk, M İnan
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
A rare neck lesion in children: Bilateral chondrocutenous branchial remnant
T Tığlı*, D Orhan**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Pathology
Poster Yürüyüşü-2
Moderator(s): Gül Doğan, Mehmet Emin Çelikkaya, Ülgen Çeltik
12:30 - 13:30
Diagnosis and management of mesenteric injury after blunt abdominal trauma
C Direksiz, N Ertürk, A Süzen, R Güngörmüş, M Kurt, M Coşkun
Mugla Sitki Kocman University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
A Renal Injury Caused By Sewing Needle
A Ummahan, ÜN İrdem Köse, Ö Çağlar
University of Health Sciences, Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
Laparoscopic splenorrhaphy for splenic injury after blunt abdominal trauma: a case report
S Müftüoğulları, Cİ Öztorun, B Başaran, MN Azılı, E Şenel
Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
Useful outcomes of Vacuum closure and negative pressure wound therapy in children with acute compartment syndrome: lessons from the Kahramanmaras earthquake of 2023
Ş Demirkaya*, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, MN Gürel*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
An extraordinary case of corrosive burn: burned glans penis
S Sertkaya, H Deliağa, O Işık, E Özçakır, M Kaya
University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
The shame of humanıty; refugees/asylum seeker chıldren burns
ON İş*, F Akkaya*, YB Aydın*, F Turgul*, SA Bostancı**, Cİ Öztorun***, EE Erten**, A Ertürk****, S Demir*****, MN Azılı***, E Şenel****
*Ankara City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Department, Ankara
**Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
***Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
****Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
*****University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
Non-firearm related penetratıng thorax and abdomen trauma: Experiences of 100 children in a pediatric trauma center
EE Erten*, Cİ Öztorun**, B Başaran*, VS Çayhan*, A Ertürk**, S Demir*, SA Bostancı*, Ş Demirkaya*, Y Yılmaz*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration in a Child Following Earthquake Collapse
B Karbuzoğlu, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Thoracoscopic Exploration and Repair of Diaphragm Lacerations Seen in Sharp-Puncture Injuries Below the Breast Level
G Aydınbaş, T Acer Demir, K Şeref, Ö Çağlar
University of Health Sciences, Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
A corrosive substance using for preparation of pickles; Results of pediatric patients who accidentally swallowed of white vinegar
A Atıcı, L Miçooğulları, B Uğur, ME Çelikkaya, B Akçora
Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery Hatay
Central Venous Catheterization With Wireless Ultrasonography Probe And Smart Glasses: A Pilot Application
P Khalilova, E Ekiyor, E Ergün, M Çakmak, G Göllü
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Poster Yürüyüşü-2
Moderator(s): Mustafa Kemal Aslan, Murat Kaya, Oktay Ulusoy
12:30 - 13:30
Long term outcomes of transanal endorectal pull-through procedure in rectosigmoid Hirschsprung disease
AE Hakalmaz*, T Rahimli*, M Guliyev*, M Önenerk**, S Kuruğoğlu***, R Özcan*, G Topuzlu Tekant*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology
***İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
Factors determining the success of hydrostatic reduction in children with intussusception and treatment protocol
AN Abay*, EE Erten*, SA Bostancı*, VS Çayhan*, M Şahin*, SK Balcı*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, Y Yılmaz*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Determination of follow-up criteria for uncomplicated appendicitis treated wıth nonoperative antibiotherapy in children
İB Usta*, Hİ Tanrıverdi**, F Taneli***, C Günşar*
*Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Celal Bayar University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
***Manisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Biochemistry, Manisa, TURKEY
Water-soluble contrast agent in adhesive small bowel obstruction: Results of our prospective preliminary study
G Gerçel, S Sağ, FA Canbaz, E Karadeniz Güngörmez, Y Sönmez, A Çay
University of Health Sciences, Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
Evaluating the effect of methylprednisolone on ischemic injury in an experimental intussusception model in rats
T Pamuk*, S Hancıoğlu*, S Çalışkan**, B Yağız*, BD Demirel*
*Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Samsun, Turkey
**Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Samsun, Turkey
Anal Canal Duplication: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Surgical Approach to a Rare Anomaly
C Şahin, E Saygı, A Kaymakcı
Health Sciences University Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Meckel's Diverticulum; 15 Years of Experience
S Karagüzel, S Metin, MA Akay, O Varlıklı
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department
Before, during and after COVID-19 in appendectomy cases: analysis of clinical practices and experiences
OM Çevik*, HE Atasever*, G Korkmaz*, İ Yıldırım*, Ö Ekici*, SE Ünlü Ballı*, E Erten**, E Mambet*, MB Çalışkan*, GB Bahadır*, İ Sürer*, S Demirbağ*
*Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
Can ischemia-modified albumin be a helpful marker in the diagnosis and follow-up of childhood intussusception?
Ç Kocaoğlu*, C Kocaoğlu**, H Madenci**
*Konya City Hospital Department of Pediatric Intensive Care, Konya
**Konya City Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery, Konya
Evaluation of 40 children with Hirschsprung's Disease who underwent transanal endorectal pull-through: a retrospective study
MH Çakmak, A Celayir, S Cansaran, OD Ayvaz
University of Health Science, Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children’s Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İstanbul
Late diagnosis? Late application? Adolescent Hirschsprung's Disease
CB Ünal, B Karaaslan, MÖ Kuzdan, F Saraç
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
Poster Yürüyüşü-2
Moderator(s): Bilge Karabulut, Cem Kaya, Mehmet Ali Özen
12:30 - 13:30
Congenital Megaprepuce: A Case Report
C Hamzaoğlu, ÇA Karadağ, M Kaba, Ş Demirci, N Sever
Health Sciences University, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal SUAM, Pediatric Surgery Departmant, Istanbul
Leydig cell tumor mimicking testicular adrenal rest tumor in a 8-year-old boy with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a case report with literature review
K Bahadır*, S Ural*, Cİ Başsorgun**, M Parlak***, G Karagüzel*
*Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Antalya
**Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pathology, Antalya
***Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Antalya
A Case Performed Vaginal Reconstruction with Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome
S Sağ, FA Canbaz, Y Sönmez, E Karadeniz, A Çay
University of Health Sciences, Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
A rare cause of hematuria in childhood: cystitis glandularis
E Ceylan, O Ulusoy, O Ateş, G Hakgüder, M Olguner, F Akgür
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical school, İzmir
Phaloplasty in Childhood
G Demirtaş*, HM Ergani**, S Tağcı***, B Karabulut***, HT Tiryaki***
*Erzurum City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
**Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Plastic Surgery Clinic
***Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
Management of recurrent phimosis complication after infancy circumcision
G Şakul*, N Babaev**
*Karabuk University Medical Faculty Pediatric Surgery Department
**Karabuk University Research and Training Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department
Combined treatment of catastrophically lost penis post-circumcision with proximal penile mobilization, tunneled composite anterior-lateral inguinal skin flap, buccal mucosal graft and hyperbaric oxygen: An alternative approach and review of literatur
S Özaydın
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Education and Research Hospital Departments of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology
A Rare Type of Kidney’s Fusion and Rotation Anomalies: The Sigmoid Kidney
HE Atasever*, İ Yıldırım*, G Korkmaz*, Ö Ekici*, OM Çevik*, SE Ünlü Ballı**, E Erten***, GB Bahadır*, E Mambet*, MB Çalışkan*, İ Sürer*, S Demirbağ*
*Gulhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Gaziantep Sehitkamil State Hospital
***Gulhane Training and Research Hospital
The Importance of Clinical Evaluation and Ultrasonography in Scrotal Pain without Acute Scrotum
C Şahin, M Arpacık, SL Mirapoğlu, C Gül, E Saygı, A Kaymakcı
Health Sciences University Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Surgical Issues and Outcomes in Horseshoe Kidney
B Karaaslan, M Yazıcı, S Yuksel, M Çakmak, CB Ünal
Istanbul Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
The relation of testicular torsion with waking up from sleep and seasons: A retrospective analysis of 74 cases
AS Baykara*, E Yaşa*, Y Bildirici**
*University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Eskisehir
**University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Eskisehir
Results of urotherapy and biofeedback applications in dysfunctional voiding and factors affecting success
B Erdeve, S Moralıoğlu
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
Evaluation of cases with bladder augmentation and continent canal
S Tağcı*, G Demirtaş**, D Yayla***, B Karabulut*, HT Tiryaki*
*Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
**Erzurum City Hospital Pediatric Urology Clinic
***Cengiz Gökcek Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hastanesi, Çocuk Ürolojisi Departmanı, Gaziantep
Moderator(s): Ufuk Ateş, Sertaç Hancıoğlu
Salon B | 12:30 - 13:30
Konferans (3)
Moderator(s): Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Adham Elsaid
Speaker(s): Reine Wijnen
Steroid Injection in Esophageal Atresia Stenosis (STEPS trial)
Salon A | 13:30 - 14:00
En İyi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Oturumu
Moderator(s): Gonca Topuzlu Tekant, Oğuz Ateş, Akgün Oral
Speaker(s): Gonca Topuzlu Tekant, Oğuz Ateş, Akgün Oral
Salon A | 14:00 - 15:00
Retrospective analysis of BCL-2 and laminin expression in cases of rectosigmoid hirschsprung disease with histopathological diagnosis and ıts relationship with hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis
M Dede*, F Çelik*, E Bulut**, R Balaban**, N Huriyet**, N Uğraş***, G Çeçener**, İ Kırıştıoğlu*
*Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology
***Bursa Uludag University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
(4+2 dk) OP-41
The effect of the ganglionic segment inflammatory response to postoperative enterocolitis in Hirschsprung disease
Y Benibol*, M Önenerk**, AE Hakalmaz*, N Çomunoğlu**, G Topuzlu Tekant*, R Özcan*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology
(4+2 dk) OP-42
Investigation of the effects and mechanisms of sucralfate on intestinal epithelial cells in an in-vitro necrotizing enterocolitis model.
A Şencan*, HS Vatansever**
*Manisa Celal Bayar University Medical School Department of Pediatric Surgery, Manisa, Turkey
**Manisa Celal Bayar University, Medical School, Department of Histology-Embryology, Manisa
(4+2 dk) OP-43
The Effect of Endovascular Embolization of Feeding Artery on Surgical Outcome in Pulmonary Sequestrations
K Öztürk Yüzdemir*, Ö Boybeyi*, HH Aykan**, T Soyer*, T Karagöz**
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Cardiology
(4+2 dk) OP-44
Evaluation of swallowing function in patients with H-type tracheoesophageal fistula: A retrospective study
MF Yalabık*, S Serel Arslan**, Ö Boybeyi*, N Demir**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
(4+2 dk) OP-45
Evaluation of mid- and long-term quality of life in patients operated on for esophgaeal atresia
S Aydöner, G Erkoç, Aİ Anadolulu, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa
Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-46
Successful results of the selective lung ventilation method in reducing operative time and complication rates for pulmonary hydatid cyst surgery in children
SA Bostancı*, İ Akbaş*, EE Erten*, SK Balcı*, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, Cİ Öztorun**, S Özmert****, E Şenel**, MN Azılı**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
****Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology
(4+2 dk) OP-47
The use of preoperative nutrition score to predict preoperative malnutrition in children
T Tığlı*, D Yıldırım**, P Şimşek Onat**, Ö Boybeyi*, H Hızarcıoğlu Gülşen**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterelogy, Hepatology and Nutrition.
(4+2 dk) OP-48
The first result of laser applications in our pediatric burn patients
S Dayı*, B Dede**, S İşçimen**, M Anayurt*, S Sancar*
*Bursa City Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Clinic
**Bursa City Hospital
(4+2 dk) OP-49
D Altıntaş Ural*, AG Güler**, AE Karakaya***
*Memorial Ankara Hospital
**Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kahramanmaras
***Emsey Hospıtal,Pediatric Surgery,İstanbul
(4+2 dk) OP-50
Is routine pyloroplasty necessary during gastric pull-up In children?
S Hasan, G Şakul, Ü Çeltik, Z Dökümcü, C Özcan
Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Izmir, TURKEY
(4+2 dk) OP-51
Evaluation of bladder and bowel functions of patients operated for sacrococcygeal teratoma
G Kadakal Köken, S Moralıoğlu
University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
(4+2 dk) OP-52
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: Successful single center experience in cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy
KK Cerit*, A Eyvazov**, A Karagözlü Akgül***, N Eker****, D Gül*****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Avicenna Hospital
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
****Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
*****Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology
(4+2 dk) OP-53
Surgical management of complicated Wilms tumor: Single center experience
KK Cerit*, M Jafarov*, N Eker**, A Karagözlü Akgül***, D Gül****, K Ak*****, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
****Marmara University School of Medicine,Department of Radiation Oncology
*****Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-54
Role of ephrectomy in local control of abdominal neuroblastoma
Ü Çeltik*, E Ataseven**, D Kızmazoğlu***, B Demirağ****, M Kantar**, N Olgun***, A Çelik*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Oncology
***Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Oncology
****İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Children's Hospital, Pediatric Oncology Clinic
(4+2 dk) OP-55
Kahve Arası
15:00 - 15:30
Olgu Sunumları
Moderator(s): Ferit Bernay, Feryal Gün Soysal, Rahşan Özcan
Salon A | 15:30 - 16:30
Management of Prolonged Chylothorax After Surgical Excision in a Prenatally Diagnosed Giant Neuroenteric Cyst and Hydrops Fetalis in a Newborn
Gİ Sarar*, A Celayir*, S Cansaran*, OD Ayvaz*, O Demirci**
*University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children's Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
**University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Children’s Diseases Health Training and Research Center, Department of Perinatology, Istanbul
(3+1 dk) CR-1
A Rare Case of Meckel Gruber Syndrome with Congenital Intestinal Atresia and Abdominal Pseudocyst Clinic
S Ulusoy Tangül*, G Gencan**, A Şenaylı*
*Bozok University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Pediatric Surgery, Yozgat,Turkey
**Bozok Universty Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics
(3+1 dk) CR-2
Challenges in the Separation of Thoracopagus Twins: A Multidisciplinary Approach and Outcomes
B Tander*, M Çevik*, E Erek**, MV Karaaltın***, R Emiroğlu****, T Güler*****, A Çıtak******
*Acibadem University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Acibadem University, Atakent Hospital, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
***Acibadem Taksim Hospital, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
****Acibadem University, Atakent Hospital, Liver Transplantation Unit
*****Acibadem University, Department of Anesthesiology
******Acibadem University, Division of Pediatric Intensive Care
(3+1 dk) CR-3
Laparoscopic management of an intra-thoracic perforated appendicitis
Ü Çeltik, M Cevhertaş, A Çelik, O Ergün, Z Dökümcü
Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
(3+1 dk) CR-4
Adult gender dysphoria of a case of operated severe hypospadias
M Dede*, A Akbulut**, N Kılıç**
*Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
(3+1 dk) CR-5
A new surgical technique: ureterocystoplasty with a vascular pedicled ureteral segment in a single system megaureter.
Ö Herek*, N Çördük*, A Akbulut**
* Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery, Denizli
**Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
(3+1 dk) CR-6
Approach to Pancreatic Pseudopapillary Tumor: Duodenum and uncinate process preserving pancreatectomy
P Khalilova*, E Ergün*, S Fitöz**, K Karayalçın***, M Bingöl-Koloğlu*
*Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatric Radiology
***Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery
(3+1 dk) CR-7
Endoscopic cystogastrostomy in congenital pancreatic cysts and psuocysts due to acute pancreatitis: Can it be an alternative to surgical treatments in children?
K Öztürk Yüzdemir*, T Soyer*, Ö Boybeyi*, E Parlak**
*Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ankara
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology
(3+1 dk) CR-8
Surgical correction with buccal mucosal graft in stenosis secondary to disc battery in the vagina
G Sarıaslan, S Türker Çolak, K Tutuş, ŞS Kılıç, Ö Özden, M Alkan, R Tuncer
Department of Pediatrc Surgery, Çukurova University Medical Faculty, Adana, Turkey
(3+1 dk) CR-9
MA Yüksel*, B Tander**, S Beken***, M Çevik**
*Acibadem University, Atakent Hospital, Division of Perinatology
**Acibadem University School of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Acibadem University, Division of Neonatology
(3+1 dk) CR-10
An effective treatment option for fecal incontinence in patients who underwent surgery for anorectal malformation: sacral neuromodulation
Ç Kefeli, O Ulusoy, O Ateş, G Hakgüder, M Olguner, F Akgür
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical school, İzmir
(3+1 dk) CR-11
Complete cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: A Promising Treatment Option for Colorectal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with Diffuse Peritoneal Metastases
EE Erten*, Cİ Öztorun**, SA Bostancı*, YB Aydın*, AG Kiriş Uzun*, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, E Şenel**, MN Azılı**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(3+1 dk) CR-12
The rare cause of sinistral portal hypertension: Pancreatic solid pseudopapillary tumor
Ü Çeltik, İ Hepgüler, MO Ergün, A Çelik
Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
(3+1 dk) CR-13
Giant thoracoabdominal ganglioneuroblastoma with spinal canal extension: a case report
AE Hakalmaz*, S Yar*, O Korun**, R Kemerdere***, A Kalyoncu Uçar****, P Kendigelen*****, S Ocak******, R Özcan*
*Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
***Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Neurosurgery
****İstanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
*****Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Anesthesiology
******Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
(3+1 dk) CR-14
Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi Oturumu
Moderator(s): Ebru Yeşildağ, Ayşe Karagöz Hakalmaz
Salon A | 16:30 - 17:00
Panel (5)
Moderator(s): Ahmet Kazez, Bülent Akçora, Ayşe İslamoğlu
Speaker(s): Emrah Şenel, Selman Kesici, Ahmet Gökhan Güler, Ali Erdal Karakaya, Ecem Koyun
Çocuk Cerrahisinde Afet Yönetimi (HEMŞİRELİK ORTAK OTURUM)
Salon A | 17:00 - 18:00
Akşam Yemeği
20:00 - 23:00
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-5
Moderator(s): Burak Tander, Yasemin Dere Günal, Ergun Ergün
Salon A | 08:00 - 09:00
Nonoperative management of acute nonperforated appendicitis: Results of an institutional protocol
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, A Karagözlü Akgül**, S Abidoğlu**, AS Kuşak*, M Jafarov*, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Istanbul
(4+2 dk) OP-56
Intussusception survey about practices among Turkish Pediatric Surgeons
KK Cerit, Ö Kılıç
Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
(4+2 dk) OP-57
Functional constipation in adolescents evaluated by conventional anorectal manometry
N Gülçin*, Aİ Anadolulu*, M Çağlar*, HM Mutuş**, Ç Ulukaya Durakbaşa*
*Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istinye University Faculty of Medicine, Liv Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-58
Evaluation of fecal incontinence in pediatric patients with Hirschsprung's disease who underwent transanal endorectal pull-through (TERP) operation
S Odabaşı, N Sever, M Kaba, DN Temel, ÇA Karadağ
Health Sciences University, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal SUAM, Pediatric Surgery Departmant, Istanbul
(4+2 dk) OP-59
efficacy of tapering enteroplasty in the first session in small bowel atresia
F Çelik, J Baghirov, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-60
Unusual histopathological findings detected in childhood appendectomy specimens: A retrospective analysis of 2633 cases
AS Baykara*, B Erdoğan**, Y Bildirici***
*University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Eskisehir
**University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pathology, Eskisehir
***University of Health Sciences, Eskisehir City Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Eskisehir
(4+2 dk) OP-61
Results Of Rectal Biopsy In Children: Aganglionosıs, Hypoganglionosıs, Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia
C Erdener Çeliktürk*, E Mercan Demirtaş**, M İnan*
*Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Trakya University Department of Pathology
(4+2 dk) OP-62
YD Bilgili*, BH Güvenç**
*Bandırma training and research institute, pediatric surgery
**Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University School of Medicine Departments of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-63
Variations in Epithelial Lining of Duplication Cysts Cannot Be Explained by Known Theories
SM Akıncı*, Ö Boybeyi*, D Orhan**, T Soyer*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Pathology
(4+2 dk) OP-64
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-6
Moderator(s): Ünal Bakal, Kıvılcım Karadeniz Cerit, Ahmet Hikmet Şahin
Salon A | 09:00 - 10:00
Robot-assisted thoracic surgery versus thoracoscopic surgery for treatment of pediatric thoracic neurogenic tumors with image-defined risk factors (IDRF)
Z Dökümcü, M Karayazılı, Ü Çeltik, C Özcan, A Erdener
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
(4+2 dk) OP-65
Transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy for pediatric adrenal masses
Ü Çeltik*, Y Ertan**, A Çelik*
*Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Pathology Department
(4+2 dk) OP-66
10 years single center Wilms tumor experience
M Gündüz*, T Sekmenli*, F Özcan Sıkı*, M Sarıkaya*, G Kaygısız Bayındır*, B kara**, M Öztürk***, G Yavaş***, S uğraş****, Y Köksal**, İ Çiftçi*
*University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine of the Department of Pediatric Oncology
***Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
****Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology
(4+2 dk) OP-67
Surgical approach to Thyroid Diseases in children: 15 years of clinical experience
J Baghirov, F Çelik, A Parlak, AN Gürpınar
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-68
The presentation of our surgical experience in childhood ovarian solid tumors
A Bilen, O Ulusoy, O Ateş, G Hakgüder, M Olguner, F Akgür
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical school, İzmir
(4+2 dk) OP-69
Gonad Masess in Children with Y Chromosomal Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) Patients – 10 Years of Single Center Experience
N Mustafayeva*, OH Kocaman*, B Erginel*, Ş Poyrazoğlu**, I Kılıçaslan***, E Keskin*, FG Soysal*
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
**Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism
***Istanbul Unıversity Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology
(4+2 dk) OP-70
Management of breast diseases in children: Surgical center experience
S Sağ, Y Sönmez, E Karadeniz Güngörmez, AF Canbaz, G Gerçel
University of Health Sciences, Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Istanbul
(4+2 dk) OP-71
Diagnostic Difficulties in Congenital Head and Neck Masses in Children
C Erdener Çeliktürk, M İnan
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-72
total colectomies in children other than hirschsprung's disease, 20 years of single-center clinical experience
F Çelik, S Kurt, İ Kırıştıoğlu
Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-73
Kahve Arası
10:00 - 10:30
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-7
Moderator(s): Meltem Bingöl Koloğlu, Mehmet Hanefi Okur, Ahmet Ertürk
Hepatobilier/Üst GİS
Salon A | 10:30 - 11:30
Endoscopic Sclerotherapy Treatment in Extrahepatic Portal Hypertension
P Yorulmaz*, Ş Emre**, AE Hakalmaz*, AK Uçar***, P Kendigelen****
*Istanbul University Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology
** Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Istanbul University School of Medicine Department of Radiology, Division of Pediatric Radiology
****Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
(4+2 dk) OP-74
Single Center Results: Evaluation of Prognostic Factors in Biliary Atresia Cases
Ş Emre*, Y Benibol*, AE Hakalmaz*, B Karakurt*, AK Uçar**, N Kepil***, ÖF Beşer****, S Kuruğoğlu**, OF Şenyüz*
* Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Radiology
***Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Pathology
****Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Division of Hepatology and Nutrition, İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
(4+2 dk) OP-75
Assessment of Risk Factors, Short and Long-Term Outcomes in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Cholelithiasis
T Jumazade*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, S Demir***, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-76
F Özcan Sıkı*, M Sarıkaya*, M Gündüz*, T Sekmenli*, A Nayman**, N Kılıçlı*, İ Çiftçi*
*University of Selcuk, Selcuklu Medical Faculty,Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology
(4+2 dk) OP-77
Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing Toxicity (DIGEST) in Children with Esophageal Atresia
N Demir*, B Pişiren**, S Serel Arslan*, Ö Boybeyi**, T Soyer**
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
**Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-78
Corrosive substance ingestion in children : When to perform endoscopy?
U Ateş*, G Göllü Bahadır*, E Ergün*, F Serttürk**, M Bülbül*, S Sözduyar***, M Bingöl-Koloğlu*, EA Yağmurlu*, AM Çakmak*
*Ankara University Cebeci Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
***Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, İzmir
(4+2 dk) OP-79
Single center experience of gastric volvulus
S Yıldız, C Erdener Çeliktürk, İ İnanç, ÜN Başaran
Trakya University Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-80
ÜN İrdem Köse*, E Şenel**
*Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-81
The Results of Long-Term Follow-up of Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
O Farzeliyev*, UE Arslan**, T Soyer*, Ö Boybeyi*
*Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Hacettepe University Institute of Public Health
(4+2 dk) OP-82
Gastroptosis in children with chronic abdominal pain and upper gastrointestinal complaints
S Ulusoy Tangül, A Şenaylı
Bozok University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Pediatric Surgery, Yozgat,Turkey
(4+2 dk) OP-83
Sözlü Bildiri Oturumu-8
Moderator(s): Levent Cankorkmaz, Serpil Sancar, Sabri Demir
Salon A | 11:30 - 12:30
The value of intravascular volume measurement by transthoracic echocardiography in fluid resuscitation of children with major burns
M Şahin*, S Demir*, MN Gürel*, S Sayın**, EG Torun**, O Doğan**, VS Çayhan*, D Kısıklı*, A Abay*, E Şenel***
*University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
**University of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Ankara, Türkiye
***Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-84
S Müftüoğulları, S Demir, SA Bostancı, EE Erten, Cİ Öztorun, A Ertürk, Ş Demirkaya, ON İş, MN Azılı, E Şenel
Ankara City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bilkent, Ankara
(4+2 dk) OP-85
Our 18 Years Of Experience In Pediatric Burns From Service To Unit, Unit To Center
SA Bostancı*, S Demir**, EE Erten*, B Başaran*, VS Çayhan*, AN Abay*, Cİ Öztorun***, A Ertürk***, MN Azılı***, E Şenel***
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**University Of Health Sciences, Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, Children Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Burn Center, Ankara, Turkiye
***Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-86
Exploring the Controversies: A Selective Approach in the Treatment of Abdominal Penetrating-Stabbing Injuries in Children
B Karbuzoğlu, EB Çığşar Kuzu, B Toker Kurtmen
Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-87
Pediatric Burns Clinical Assessment: A Retrospective Study
*Samsun Education and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-88
Outcomes of pediatric patients with earthquake-related crush syndrome
C Erdoğan, HÖ Gezer, G Bairamovi, A Temiz
Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-89
The role of diagnostic laparoscopy in penetrating/cutting abdominal trauma in children: our clinical results
U Doğan, ŞS Kılıç, K Tutuş, S Türker Çolak, Ö Özden, M Alkan, R Tuncer
Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-90
Is There a Cutoff Value for Predicting Liver Injury in Pediatric Abdominal Trauma Based on Hepatic Enzymes?
T Örnek Demir*, VS Çayhan*, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, Cİ Öztorun**, A Ertürk**, S Demir***, E Şenel**, MN Azılı**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
***University Of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-91
Pancreatic trauma in children: a single center experience
AU Uzun*, A Ertürk**, S Demir*, Cİ Öztorun**, SA Bostancı*, EE Erten*, VS Çayhan*, YB Aydın*, HK Fakılı*, MN Azılı**, E Şenel**
*Ankara City Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery
**Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Unıversıty Medical Faculty Department of Pediatric Surgery
(4+2 dk) OP-92
Abbreviated bedrest protocol in patients with blunt spleen and liver injury: Is it safe in children?
KK Cerit*, AC Bakır*, M Jafarov*, A Karagözlü Akgül**, S Abidoğlu**, Ö Yapıcı***, G Kıyan*
*Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery,
**Marmara University School of Medicine, Departmant of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology
***Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Radiology
(4+2 dk) OP-93
Moderator(s): Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Tutku Soyer
Speaker(s): Mete Kaya, Mehmet Hanifi Okur
Çocuk Cerrahisinde Özlük Hakları ve SUT Çalışma Grubu Değerlendirme Toplantısı
Salon A | 12:30 - 13:00
Genel Kurul, Yeterlik Genel Kurul, Kapanış
Salon A | 13:00 - 13:30