Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma (CMN) is a rare renal tumor in childhood and has been reperted with palpable abdominal mass, hypertension, hematuria, polyuria and hypercalcemia Histopathologically it has been classified two histological types: classic and cellular. We present a 32 week gestation, 2400 gr premature infant who underwent total nephroureterectomy and his histopathologically reports of with cellular CMN presented with refractory hypertension.
Konjenital mezoblastik nefroma (KMN) yenidoğan ve infantil dönemde palpabl abdominal kitle, hipertansiyon, poliüri ve hiperkalsemi ile prezente olan böbrek tümörüdür. Histopatolojik olarak iki alt tipi vardır:klasik ve sellüler. Burada, Refrakter hipertansiyon ve abdominal kitle ile prezente olan 32 haftalık 2400 gr doğan ve total nefroüreterektomi uygulanan prematüre infant ve patolojik değerlendirilmesi sunulmuştur.
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