Purpose: Gallstones frequency
varies according to age and geographical region. The incidence in adults
is high 10-50% , in children 0.13-1.9 %. In recent years , it is known that
an increase in incidence in childhood. It is more frequent in girls compared to
boys. In this study we evaluate the patients with gallstones, who
were operated in our clinic.
Patients and Method: 30 patients with
cholecystectomy who operated in our clinic between October 2012 - May 2016 were rewiewed retrospectevly . Age, sex, etiology, operation, and our results were evaluated.
Findings: The mean age of 30 patients(22 F,8 M) with
cholecystectomy was 18.8 years (3-17 years) All patients were admitted with the complaint of abdominal
pain. 4 of the patients were complaining
of vomiting , 2 had intolerance to fatty foods . 5 of the
patients were admitted with
cholecystitis , 2 patients were admitted with pancreatitis attack . Only one patient had
hematologic disease (Hereditary spherocytosis) . Our first patient underwent open surgery due to lack of technical
equipment. Laparoscopic
cholecystectomy was performed in 28 patients; open cholecystectomy in 2 and in one, the
operation was initiated laparoscopically but converted into an open procedure. There were 2 (%6.7) complication ,one cystic
duct injury and one duodenal perforation.
Conclusion: Gallstones incidence has
increased in childhood. Unlike the known past , in the etiology of
cholecystitis non hematological and
idiopathic causes are more common. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be safely
administered in the treatment.
Giriş: Safra Kesesi taşları
sıklığı yaşa ve coğrafi bölgeye göre değişmektedir. Yetişkinlerde %10-50 i gibi
yüksek oranlarda görülebilirken, çocuklarda görülme oranı % 0.13-1.9 dır. Son yıllarda çocukluk çağında görülme oranlarında artış olduğu
bilinmektedir. Kızlarda erkeklere oranla daha sık görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada kliniğimizde
safra kesesi taşı nedeni ile opere edilen hastaları değerlendirdik.
Sonuç: Kolelitiazis çocukluk çağında sıklığı artan bir patolojidir.
Etyolojisinde geçmişte bilinenin aksine non hematolojik ve idiopatik nedenler daha sık görülür. Tedavisinde laparoskopik kolesistektomi
güvenle uygulanabilir.
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