The Prevalence of Inguinoscrotal Pathologies and Risk Factors in Patients with Spina Bifida
ŞK Özel*, MA Küçüknane**, DÖ Özgenel**, V Özer**, H Canaz***, İ Alataş***
*İstanbul Bilim University Spina Bifida Research Center Department of Pediatric Urology
**İstanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine
***İstanbul Bilim University Spina Bifida Research Center Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery
is limited information about the prevalence and risk factors of common
childhood pathologies like inguinal hernia and undescended testis in patients
with spina bifida (SB). The aim of this study was to identify the properties of
inguinoscrotal diseases and their prevalence in this patient group. Patients and MethodsA
questionnaire was filled for the patients with the diagnosis of spina bifida in
our center. Together with demographic data, presence of inguinal hernia, side,
operation history, presence of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt, SB, aperta or
occulta, recurrence and presence of undescended testis were questioned.
Patients were groupped as SB aperta and occulta. The prevalence of these
pathologies and their clinical properties are studied. Data were evaluated with
chi square and Student’s t test. Results388
patients were evalauted who could be reached by telephone. 238 patients had SB
aperta and 150, SB occulta. There were no significance in comparison of age and
gender. Prevalence of inguinal hernia was 12,6% in general. Hernia was noted in
37 SB aperta patients (15,6%) whereas this was seen in 12 of SB occulta
patients (8%)(p=0.03). When there was a VP shunt ,hernia prevalence was 21,5%
and when there was no shunt, this ratio was 7,1% (p=0,0001). Prevalence of
inguinal hernia was 21,8% in boys and 3,2% in girls (p=0,0001). When there was
a VP shunt with SB aperta the prevalence was 21,9% and when a VP shunt was
present with SB occulta, this number was found to be 13,3% (p=0,006). The prevalence of undescended testis was
17,7% and there was no difference between SB aperta and occulta patients. ConclusionsInguinal
hernia and undescended testis are more frequent in SB patients when compared to
normal population. VP shunts, SB aperta and male gender may be risk factors for
inguinal hernia in these children. These findings may imply neurological
factors in the etiology of inguinal hernia and undescended testis.